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  • Until Then (Someday)
    BEHIND THE LYRICS: I started writing this song as I was nearing a low point in my life, at a time when I was unconsciously sinking into a state of depression. The guitar parts came to me as quickly and naturally as any song I’ve ever written, and I knew right away that I was in love with the vibe of the music and the chord progressions in both the verses and choruses. However, I battled greatly with writing the lyrics. It probably took me about a month of trying to pen the lyrics amidst some intense writer’s block before the words finally came together, and I completed the lyrics literally about one week before suffering a complete nervous breakdown that left me emotionally paralyzed and mentally dysfunctional for a period of time. These lyrics probably hold the most personal significance to me of any set of song lyrics I’ve ever written. They are incredibly raw and poignant in revealing exactly what I was feeling at the time. In reading the lyrics it may appear that I am holding a conversation of hope and promise with someone I know, perhaps someone very close to me. In reality, however, I was having a complicated and somewhat desperate conversation with myself. The lyrics reveal an internal struggle between my optimistic side who was envisioning a brighter future, and who was striving to find joy in the journey along the way to some long-awaited day. The pleading words of that optimist are being directed at my pessimistic side who was critically viewing my life as a great failure full of shattered dreams and lack of achievement. And so, in the midst of suffering internally from what I then viewed (unjustifiably) as a lost past, a burden-heavy present, and an uncertain/hopeless future, I penned these lyrics. I was challenging myself to take a deep breath, prioritize my life, put things into proper perspective, and just enjoy the moment for a change (with a self-made promise that I would still someday fulfill my dreams). I was imploring myself to be grateful for the many blessings I did have in my life, so many of which I had been shamefully dismissive of. I was essentially begging myself to remain positive and hopeful despite what seemed to be the weight of an entire world (or, at least, my own world) crashing down on me. I wasn’t asking myself to give up, I was advising myself to take a break; to stop being so hard on myself; and to stop worrying so much about things that are out of my control. They were words of wisdom. Unfortunately, I did not give heed to them at a time when I surely needed to. (Verse 1) Someday when I break through, You won’t recognize this face. And the places that I’ll take you, Will reveal those dreams we’ve chased. In time hope will find us, To carry us away. In time fate will free us, We’ll escape this vicious cage. (Chorus 1) Until then, let’s breathe again, And dwell in our own skin. We can pretend our lives are straight. We can say we’ve got it made. Until then, let’s laugh again, And smile like we once did. We can spend time just being alive, We can take each day in stride. Until we get it right. (Verse 2) Someday when I rise up, We won’t recognize this place. The changes will define us, And erase all my mistakes. Shortly we will find peace, In the realm of what we seek. Then maybe you will see me, For all I promised I would be. (Chorus 2) Until then, let’s breathe again, And dwell in our own skin. We can pretend our lives are straight. We can say we’ve got it made. Until then, let’s laugh again, And smile like we once did. We can spend time just being alive, We can take each day in stride. Until we get it right. (Bridge) Doubts we face, Are just like barricades, Keeping us away, From where we are going. Time remains, Like a promise made, Begging us each day, To just live in the moment. Yeah, let’s live in the moment. One day we’ll get where we’re going. (Chorus 3) Until then, let’s breathe again, And thrive in our own skin. We can pretend our lives are straight. We can say we’ve got it made. Until then, let’s laugh again, And smile like we once did. We can spend time just being alive. We can take each day in stride. Until we get it right.
  • After All
    (Verse 1) I’m used to this frustration, Anticipation failed again. Do I expect too much, When you don’t have much to give? And when you walk on me, Do I frustrate your cold feet? I feel the pain you cause. Do you notice me beneath? (Chorus 1) After all that we’ve been through. After all the times that I said I loved you so. Still, you turn and walk away. Yet I’m begging you to stay. (Verse 2) If you’d even try To empathize at all Perhaps, my dear, you’d see, You tore my life apart. I did all I could do, I said all I could say. Did you ever comprehend My sincerity displayed? (Chorus 2) After all that we’ve been through. After all the times that I said I loved you so. Still, you turned and walked away. Still I’m wishing you had stayed. (Bridge) In this time apart, Did you notice I was gone? Or did it feel the same? You’ve neglected me so long. And when tomorrow comes, Will you regret today? I gave you all I had, You threw it all away. (Chorus 3 Altered) And when tomorrow comes, Will you regret today? I gave you all I had, You threw it all away. So good-bye To the lost years. Good-bye, to you.
  • Forever (In Your Arms)
    (Verse 1) Gone are the days of longing for the one, Cause you’re the girl I’ve needed all along. You entered my life right on cue, Now I can’t quite get enough of you. (Verse 2) In times of need you place your hand in mine. When I’m distressed you give me peace of mind. The impression you’ve made will never fade away. Girl, I want you by my side always. (Chorus 1) Since the day of our first embrace, my life has changed in the best way. Since you opened your arms to me, my life will never be the same. A look ahead to a life with you, reveals a myriad of pleasant views. And if you’ll keep your love for me, then I’ll be everything you need. (Verse 3) The time I spend awake within your arms, Is a time I swear could never last too long. I can see my smile deep within your eyes, And it fills my heart just to know you’re mine. (Chorus 2) Since the day of our first embrace, my life has changed in the best way. Since you opened your arms to me, my life will never be the same. A look ahead to a life with you, reveals a myriad of pleasant views. And if you’ll keep your love for me, then I’ll be everything you need. (Outtro) Forever, in your arms, I want to fill your arms forever. Forever, in your arms, I want to fill your arms. Forever, Forever, in your arms, I want to fill your arms, Forever, forever, in your arms, In the arms of your love.
  • Shaking the Nightmare
    BEHIND THE LYRICS: This song was written at a delicate point in life for my wife and I. Over the previous years we had experienced difficulty in having children together. It was a very trying time for both of us. Growing up I always thought to myself that I would get married at some point and have kids. Simple, right? Well, you never really think about the possibility of having difficulty bearing children until it actually happens to you. Then things get real, and you are tested in ways that you were never expecting. After seeking out fertility treatments, my wife became pregant! Much to our surprise, at her 7 week appointment the doctor confirmed that she was pregnant with TRIPLETS. This absolutely blew our minds. How were we possibly going to handle going from 0 kids to 3 kids?? We were certainly excited, but also overwhelmed by the reality of what was coming our way. We let our emotions simmer down over the ensuing days, and we began preparing ourselves mentally and emotionally for triplet parenthood. A few weeks later we went back to the doctor for my wife's 9 week appointment. We were absolutely devasted to find out that we had lost all 3 precious souls to miscarriage. Just when we had come to terms mentally and emotionally with parenting triplets (and were looking forward with great joy to that unique challenge), we were overcome by the tragedy that, by no choice of our own, we no longer needed to prepare ourselves to do so. In fact, we need not worry about parenting ANY children at that time. The lyrics of this song speak a bit of the shock that came with becoming pregnant with triplets, but more so with the devastation, confusion and loss of hope that I experienced following that loss. To me it was a nightmarish time that rocked me to my core, so this song is also about regaining enough hope and faith to be able to shake off the nightmare we were going through. (Verse 1) I never saw this coming, Now I see hope stripped away. It’s an unexpected twist, To a plot I just can’t get. And it’d be a sick, cruel joke, But this is no joke at all. It’s got me curled up on the floor, Bruised and damaged from this fall. (Chorus 1) I want to wake up from this nightmare, but it’s real. I want to shake off all the heartache that I feel. I don’t know the reasons why, And I’m all torn up inside. This tragedy is the story of my life. (Verse 2) Now I’m picking up the pieces, To a shattered heart and mind. The time proceeds unscathed. I’m wishing I could do the same. But these battle wounds and scars, Will remind me who I am. They’ll give me strength to stand, When the fires burn again. (Chorus 2) I want to wake up from this nightmare, but it’s real. I want to shake off all the heartbreak that I feel. But another moment lies in wait, A new plea for saving grace. Please stay with me, help me breathe for one more day. (Bridge) I’m determined, To find purpose. Praying for faith, to resurface. And my fate has to change. Yeah, my fate will someday change. (Chorus 3) Now I’m passing through this nightmare, cause it’s real. Now I’m shaking off the heartache that I feel. And tomorrow blooms another day, A new hope for saving grace. Please stay with me, as I seek to find my way.
  • Firstborn
    (Verse 1) I remember when you were on your way, So long I waited for that day. Just to hear you cry for that first time, It was the greatest sound I’d ever known. You’ve grown so much since that day, You walk and run, you jump around and play. I’m grateful just to watch and see. (Chorus 1) Your arms reach up to me. I kneel down on my knee, To hold you in my arms. Your smile melts my heart. And your laughter brings me joy, My precious little boy. You’re growing up too fast. I want these times to last. (Verse 2) I remember when we brought you home, So blessed to have you as our own. Just to hold you tight, and look in your eyes. It was the greatest warmth I’d ever known. You’ve grown so much since those days, You laugh and talk, repeat every word we say. Such a perfect personality. (Chorus 2) Your arms reach up to me. I kneel down on my knee, To hold you in my arms. Your smile melts my heart. And your laughter brings me joy, My precious little boy. You’re growing up too fast. I want these times to last. (Bridge) Son I love you so. Son I love you more than you know, yeah more than you know. And there’s not a thing, Not a thing I’d change about you, just keep being you. (Chorus 3) Your arms reach up to me. I kneel down on my knee, To hold you in my arms. Your smile melts my heart. And your laughter brings me joy, My precious little boy. One day you’ll be a man, Until then I’ll hold your hand.
  • Lost Cause
    (Verse 1) Lost Cause, Are you dying? Did you, did you fail, Or just stop trying? Your hope Is low and falling, And your soul Is slowly crawling. (Chorus 1) Down into the caves of sunrise mourning, A gradual decent into the cold and blind. You try to find yourself in the darkest places, Hoping to find bliss in the moon’s dim light. You fight to maintain night. (Bridge 1) And I, Can never change you. Even though I try. This time, You can only change you. Try to make things right. (Verse 2) Lost cause, Are you breathing? Will you, will you die, Despite my pleading? Your pain Is overwhelming, And your name Is quickly fading. (Chorus 2) Out into the waves of endless ocean, A battle to survive with nowhere to hide. You’re searching all around for preservation, Drowning in the depths of your tired mind. I want to spare your life. (Bridge 2) But I Can never save you. Even though I try. This time, You can only save you. Try to make things right. (Verse 3) Lost cause, This song is ending. Are you, are you dead, Or just pretending?
  • Memorial Song
    (Chorus 1) All I can see are memories Of when you were still here. The passing time still awakens my mind. To you, and who you were, and who you are, Looking down from the stars. (Verse 1) Staring at an empty chair as if you’re sitting there. Seems just like yesterday when I learned you’d left this place. In an instant you were gone, you had been here all along. Though your loss brought me to tears, you made me smile all those years. (Pre-Chorus 1) I hope that you knew, and I hope you know, That your time with me meant everything, now it means so much more. (Chorus 2) All I can see are memories Of when you were still here. The passing time still awakens my mind. To you, and who you were, and who you are, Looking down from the stars. (Verse 2) I can still hear your laugh, like an echo from the past. But your voice fades each day, only traces still remain. In the mirror I can see all our similarities, Reminding me to carry on your cherished legacy. (Pre-Chorus 2) I hope that you knew, and I hope you know, That your time with me meant everything, now it means so much more. (Chorus 3 - Instrumental) (Outtro) I know it’s not the end, I know I’ll see you again. Within my heart and mind is where I’ll keep you until then.
  • Witness (You Are Not Alone)
    BEHIND THE LYRICS: There are certainly difficult experiences in this life that I cannot fully comprehend, or truly empathize with, due to not having experienced those challenges for myself. Losing a loved one at an early age to terminal illness, particularly a spouse or a child, is at the top of that list. For this song I drew inspiration from two women (two wives and mothers) who fought relentlessly as cancer reared its nasty head and ultimately took the mortal lives of their husbands (and the father of their children). Though they may perhaps disagree with my personal observance and assessment, I witnessed these women demonstrating great faith and strength throughout the YEARS when the ongoing battle with cancer for each of their respective husbands came in and out of remission. The burden placed upon them emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually and financially is truly beyond my comprehension. These amazing women have endured (and are still enduring) the intense rollercoaster of such a painful journey with a level of grace and dignity that I could only hope to portray in a similar situation. Was each of their journeys smooth? No, far from it. Did they question the reasoning behind their heavy challenges and have emotional breakdowns along the way? Of course. To not struggle would be unnatural under such trying circumstances. But their level of resolve, and their level of commitment to their spouse and their children during this time, was and is awe-inspiring. Although I have much love and concern for these individuals and families involved, I found it difficult to provide what I felt was adequate support for them during their times of need. I didn’t know how or when to assist them in the best ways possible. I felt that I was just largely watching their journeys as an observer from a distance, and that bothered me. And I’m sure there are others who felt the same. The lyrics of this song reflect what I witnessed, how I felt, and what I wish for these individuals and families to know… that I love them, and I know others love them, and collectively we are all here for them. (Verse 1) I’ve watched you from afar. I saw you fall apart. As the winds tossed you around, When your world crashed down. From a distance I could see, Your desire to be free. From the weight of so many, Uncertainties. (Chorus 1) I don’t know how you feel. I can’t know how you feel. But I feel the need to, Just say I love you. Wish I knew what to say. Wish I knew what to do. To somehow heal you, And make you whole. (Verse 2) I watch you as you fight. I can sense your pain inside. Facing fears both day and night, Yet I’ve witnessed your smile. Still your tears freely flow, Understandably so. Now I just want you to know, That you are not alone. (Chorus 2) I don’t know how you feel. I can’t know how you feel. But I feel the need to, Wrap my arms around you. Wish I knew what to say. Wish I knew what to do. To help relieve you, And comfort your soul. (Bridge) What I trying to say, What I hope these words convey. I am with you. I am with you. What I’m trying to say, Knowing others feel the same. We are with you. We are here for you now. (Verse 3) As you endure every day, We bear witness of your strength. With your faith displayed through it all, We can see you standing so tall. (Chorus 3) We don’t know how you feel. We can’t know how you feel. But we feel the need to, Stand right beside by you. We’ll say what we can say. We’ll do what we can do. To help you get through, You are not alone.
  • Prevail
    BEHIND THE LYRICS: We all face adversity in our lives, and we all handle those trials and tribulations differently. It’s not uncommon for faith and hope to dwindle during hard times. We are prone to question why certain things happen to us, as well as the timing in which they happen. While hardships can motivate some people to keep fighting and push through, for many others the hardships can sap away the energy and desire to fight another day. However, no matter how many times life knocks us down, we must always remember to pick ourselves back up (and pick up others along the way) so that we do not become indefinitely subject to fear and defeat. We must prevail. This song was written about a close friend of mine who I met during high school. We have kept in touch over the years, and I’m happy to report that she is doing very well in her life right now. However, there was about an 8-year period immediately following high school where seemingly nothing could go right for her. She was down in her luck, so-to-speak, and consequently she was very much down on herself. Hope of a better future had essentially vanished from her mind, and self-blame became more and more apparent in my conversations with her. It was near the end of that difficult time for her when I wrote this song, inspired by her successive life events during those years mixed with my strong desire for her to keep her chin up and endure those dark times in route to a much brighter day. I just wanted her to step back, take a deep breath, and put her life back in proper perspective. I wanted her to recognize and draw upon her strength within to overcome the temporary hurdles she was facing. And she did, ultimately, prevail (with no thanks to this song, because I never built up the nerve to share it with her back then)! (Verse 1) When the sadness comes again, You’re always prone to close your eyes. You lose your sight. Although you crave a better life, You lay down your sword and shield. Your wounds revealed (Chorus 1) So just breathe, And contemplate all the reasons left to believe. In your capability, To hold strong. Though the days are long and the battle will be hell, Prevail. (Verse 2) When the trials knock you down, You’re always insecure inside. You lose your smile. You’re not wrong to question why, But you’re not right to just give in, And let fear win. (Chorus 2) So just breathe, And contemplate all the reasons left to believe. In your capability, To hold strong. Though the days are long and the battle will be hell, Prevail. (Bridge - Instrumental) (Chorus 3) So breathe deep, And contemplate all the reasons left to believe. In your capability, To press on. Though the days are long you have come to far to fail, Prevail. Prevail!
  • Release, Me"
    (Verse 1) No growing pains today, Stifled by a world with change. Cruel mystery, please unleash me. WhoaOh. Anxious mind, taking aim, Moving targets miles away. It’ll take a shot to unlock me. WhoaOh Oh. (Chorus 1) I know which way to go, I’m mistaken. I loathe what I don’t know, And it’s breaking me. Release me, just release me, now. I’m certain of my path, I’m mistaken. Reflections of my past, That are shaking me. Set me free, release me now. (Verse 2) No blistered hands today, Idle in a shallow grave. Short memory, please help me flee. WhoaOh. Trying hard not to stay, Baffled by a world so vague. Sweet mystery, I’m begging please. WhoaOh Oh. (Chorus 2) I know which way to go, I’m mistaken. I loathe what I don’t know, And it’s breaking me. Release me, just release me, now. I’m certain of my path, I’m mistaken. Reflections of my past, That are shaking me. Set me free, release me now. (Bridge) Don’t hold me down, no. I’ve got to get out. Don’t hold me down, no. I’m so damn worn out. Where have you run to, Rejuvenation? Where are you hiding, my motivation? (Chorus 3) I know which way to go, I’m mistaken. I loathe what I don’t know, And it’s breaking me. Release me, just release me, now. I’m certain of my path, I’m mistaken. Reflections of my past, That are shaking me. Set me free, release me now.
  • Today (The Past and Future)
    (Verse 1) Discovery Within a vivid dream, The vision is What it comes to be someday. And on the way There are memories sustained , Through pristine glass And reflections of the past. (Verse 2) I turn to see My footprints in the sand, Foreshadowing The steps that lie ahead. To comprehend This scene and what it means, Is recognition Of what tomorrow brings. (Chorus 1) The past and future Will reunite today, The same way They always do. The old and new times Will find their destiny, And Déjà vu Will seem complete. (Verse 3) Somehow I knew Belief would set me free, To fly away To see the place and time. That I saw before Within that lucid dream. The vision was What it came to be today. (Bridge) Sometimes things are as they seem, Once figments, now realit.y Intentions, envisioned. Often things are as they seem, No figments, just reality. Intentions, awakened. Ohh ohh, awakened. Ohh ohh, awakened (Chorus 3) The past and future Did reunite today, The same way They always do. The old and new times Did find their destiny, And Déjà vu Now seems complete. Until again In another dream.
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